Are you French and operating a business in Australia? Team France wants to know for its French business census

French business census
Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you’re French and operate a business of any kind in Australia, Team France wants you to complete its French business census. With the approval of the Embassy of France in Australia, this is the first official census of French-owned Australian entities and French entrepreneurs is currently being conducted via a simple online form.

French business census

What is Team France?

Team France, a collaboration of key French institutions and organisations, including the Embassy of France to Australia, Business France, the French-Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, La French Tech Australia, and the French Foreign Trade Advisors (CCE). Together, these entities are dedicated to building a stronger French business community in Australia.


Why the census?

The census of French-owned Australian entities and French entrepreneurs in Australia has as its purpose and objectives to:

  1. measure the strength and impact of the French business presence in Australia
  2. raise awareness of your activities in the eyes of the French and Australian governments to provide you with more support and develop fruitful relationships
  3. create a strong and dynamic network under Team France’s banner.


What the French business census asks

The census can be completed in English or in French. The information collected will be aggregated and used solely for de-identified statistical purposes so you don’t need to worry that when the census is made public that your answers will make you identifiable.

The questions comprised on the online census form include:

  • The census asks if you are a French subsidiary, a French brand, an Entrepreneur Française de l’Étranger or other.
  • In which year the Australian entity was established in Australia
  • In which industry your Australian entity is classified
  • Which state or territory our main office is in
  • Whether you have offices in other Australian States or Territories
  • How many employees you currently employ in Australia
  • What percentage of your employees are French (response is optional)
  • What is the annual revenue (response is optional)
  • Which Australian State or Territory seems to be the most attractive for your business


How to take part in the French business census

Fill in the online form at and be among the first to receive the report!


We look forward to getting a better picture of French businesses and entrepreneurs operating in Australia! Also if you’re a French business in Australia and would like us to spread the word about what you do, send us an email via the contact us button in the banner at the top of the page.

You may also be interested in our deep dive into the Australian Government’s census 2021 findings in relation to French and Francophone people in Australia.

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