Boum, a show about the life and music of Charles Trenet will be in Adelaide next weekend

Boum Panache Adelaide French Theatre
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Panache Adelaide French Theatre presents a show about Charles Trenet called Boum. Jean-François Gavanon from the theatre company wrote the show. We chat to him about the show, Charles Trenet’s music and how he chose the songs that will be in the show, given that Charles Trenet had almost 1000!

Boum Panache Adelaide French Theatre

Jean-François, with Panache Adelaide French Theatre you’re presenting Boum,  a show about French musician Charles Trenet. Why did you decide to do a show about him? 

Charles Trenet is a French music legend, author, composer and performer of almost 1,000 songs, who has influenced a host of other artists in France and beyond.


However, he remains relatively unknown in Australia, except for his international hits such as La Mer (Beyond the Sea) and Que rest-t-il de nos amours (I Wish You Love), without the public really knowing who wrote them. Our modest show is a look at this tremendous artist.


The show is called Boum, which is the name of one of his songs. Why did you choose this title for the show?

Because Trenet’s songs are explosions of joy.


You wrote the show. What was your creative process? What research did you do?

My own inspiration from my knowledge of Charles Trenet’s work, supplemented by more specific research on the net and podcasts.


Trenet wrote over 900 songs. How did you go about choosing the songs for the show?

It was difficult! Each song reflects an episode in his life, an encounter or an aspect of his personality. There’s a variety of themes, rhythms and musical styles. They are not necessarily Trenet’s best-known songs.


For those who don’t know Charles Trenet, tell us a little about him.

Charles Trenet, born on 18 May 1913 in Narbonne and died on 19 February 2001 in Paris, was a French singer-songwriter.


Nicknamed ‘le Fou chantant’ (‘the singing madman’), he wrote nearly a thousand songs of joyful poetry and jazz rhythms, which he performed over several decades on the greatest French and international stages.


1000 songs, a 60 year career, 15 international standards, 15 films, and numerous paintings and posters.


Charles Trenet

The show is described as the songs and stories of Charles Trenet. Does the show recount his entire life in chronological order?

The show follows the chronology of his life, focusing on a few decisive periods of his style.


How many people will be on stage for the show?

Seven singers from Panache and two professional musicians.


Panache is first and foremost a theatre company. How did you go about preparing this show, and how does it differ from your theatre shows?

The show is designed like a musical. Several spoken scenes serve as introductions to the songs, which are themselves staged to illustrate the theme.


Why should people come and see Boum?

To be entertained and escape into the burlesque and poetic world of Charles Trenet.

We would like to thank Jean-Francois for this interview.


WHAT: Boum, a show by Panache Adelaide French Theatre about the life and songs of Charles Trenet.

WHEN: Three performances only:

  • Friday 17 May from 7:30pm to 9:30pm, and
  • Saturday 18 May from 3 to 5 pm and 7.30 to 9.30 pm

WHERE: Star Theatres, 145 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, HILTON

HOW : Buy your tickets via this link

HOW MUCH: Tickets cost between $12.00 for students and $35.00 for adults (with reduced prices if you are a university student, a member of the Adelaide French Language Meetup Group, Adelaide Accueil, or Alliance Française or a superannuation/concession card holder).


What is your favourite Charles Trenet song?


For other events with links to France and the Francophonie, see our What’s on in May .

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