What to do in February?

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Below is a list of the French, French related and francophone events coming up in February. Look out for more details on selected events in the coming weeks. Are you going to any of these?

06/01-11/03SYDNEYIntrepid Women: Australian women artists in Paris 1900-1950Intrepid Women: Australian women artists in Paris - billets et infos
26/01-25/02PERTHFringeWorldFringe World Website
01-25/01 (except Mondays)PERTHClub SwizzleClub Swizzle - tickets
02/02EVERYWHERELa ChandeleurWhere to celebrate La Chandeleur
02-04/02PERTHAl LaFrance: I think I'm DeadI think I'm Dead - tickets
02-09/02 (except for Monday 05/02)PERTHMarcel Lucont Etc. - A Chat ShowMarcel Lucont Etc. - A Chat Show
03/02SYDNEYRosé Royale Rosé House PartyRosé Royale on Facebook
03/02SYDNEYCLUB ZOUK - Fête tropicale!CLUB ZOUK - Fête tropicale!
07/02SYDNEYFrench- Australian Energy SymposiumFrench-Australian Energy Symposium- Flyer
08-10/02PERTHL'amour du Jazz - Jazz, Love & Paris in the 30sL'amour du jazz - Jazz, Love and Paris in the 30s tickets
10/02PERTHMarcel Lucont's Whine ListMarcel Lucont's Whine List
10/02WOLLONGONGBaby et Lulu Baby et Lulu tickets
10/02-24/06SYDNEYThe lady and the unicornThe Lady and the Unicorn - tickets and info
14/02ADELAIDEFLOATING MELODIESFloating Melodies tickets
15-17/02PERTHMarcel Lucont's Cabaret FantastiqueMarcel Lucont's Cabaret Fantastique
15-17/02PERTHL'amour du Jazz - Jazz, Love & Paris in the 30sL'amour du jazz - Jazz, Love and Paris in the 30s tickets
16/02MELBOURNEPhilippe Restaurant tribute to Paul BocuseA tribute to Paul Bocuse
16/02-18/03ADELAIDEAdelaide FringeAdelaide Fringe website
16/02SYDNEYFrench Aussie DrinksSydney French Aussie Drinks
16/02MELBOURNEFrench Aussie DrinksMelbourne French Aussie Drinks
16-25/02 (sauf 19/02)ADELAIDECoriander Coriander tickets
16/02-18/03 (sauf les lundi)ADELAIDETabarnak Tabarnak tickets
16/02-18/03 (sauf les lundi)ADELAIDEBlanc de BlancBlanc de Blanc tickets
16/02-15/03 (sauf les lundi)ADELAIDEAttrape Moi! (Catch Me!)Attrape Moi! tickets
17/02SYDNEYBaby et LuluBaby et Lulu tickets
17-18/02MELBOURNEWhite Night - Le Bal des Luminéoles - info
17/02-25/03ADELAIDENew Alchemists – art exhibition by many different artists including Art Oriente Objet (FRA) New Alchemists info
17/02; 21-24/02ADELAIDEAlesh La ExhibitionAlesh La Exhibition info
17-18/02ADELAIDEA refugee sings world songsA
refugee sings world songs tickets
17-18/02ADELAIDEA night in ParisA
night in Paris tickets
17/20/02ADELAIDE257 ans de labeur257 ans de labeur tickets
18/02ADELAIDELa flute de panLa flute de pan tickets
18-21/02ADELAIDEPearlsPearls tickets
19-25/02ADELAIDEAl LaFrance: I think I'm DeadI think I'm dead tickets
21-24/02ADELAIDEAlesh La Exhibition Alesh La Exhibition info
21-25/02ADELAIDE257 ans de labeur257 ans de labeur tickets
22/02ADELAIDEThe Empress and MeThe Empress and Me tickets
22/02ADELAIDEThe Coconut Kids: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oui, Oui, OuiAussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oui, Oui, Oui tickes
22-24/02PERTHMarcel Lucont's Cabaret FantastiqueMarcel Lucont's Cabaret Fantastique
22-24/02PERTHThe Far Side of the MoonThe Far Side of the Moon
23-24/02ADELAIDEA refugee sings world songsA refugee sings world songs tickets
24/02ADELAIDEStravinsky & ChanelStravinsky & Chanel
24/02SYDNEYSydney City LimitsSydney City Limits tickets
26/02ADELAIDEDeviant Women: Julie D'AubignyDeviant Women tickets
26/02MELBOURNEPhoenixPhoenix tickets
27/02ADELAIDEThe Empress and MeThe Empress and Me tickets
27-28/02ADELAIDEPearlsPearls tickets
27/02-28/03SYDNEYAlliance Française French Film FestivalAlliance Francaise French Film Festival line-up and tickets
28/02ADELAIDEStravinsky & ChanelStravinsky & Chanel tickets
28/02-27/03MELBOURNEAlliance Française French Film FestivalAlliance Francaise French Film Festival line-up and tickets



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