Quoi faire en aout 2021? Les évènements avec liens français

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évènements avec liens français


Nous avons trouvé plus de 160 évènements qui auront lieu en Australie et en ligne ce mois-ci. Vous les découvrirez ci-dessous.


02/04 - 22/08MELBOURNEShe oak and sunlightShe oak and sunlight
12/06 - 17/10BRISBANEEuropean Masterpieces from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New YorkEuropean Masterpieces from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
25/06 -03/10MELBOURNEMelbourne Winter Masterpieces: French Impressionism from the Museum of Fine Arts, BostonMelbourne Winter Masterpieces: French Impressionism from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
25/06 -24/10MELBOURNECamille Henrot is Today TomorrowCamille Henrot is Today Tomorrow
15/07 - 05/09MELBOURNEThe KnotThe Knot
15/07 - 17/09MELBOURNEMIRKA MORA - A Rare Selection of Early Charcoals, Pastels and Neon Inks from the Estate of Mirka MoraMIRKA MORA - A Rare Selection of Early Charcoals, Pastels and Neon Inks from the Estate of Mirka Mora
01/08EVERYWHERESwiss National DaySwiss National Day
01/08PARTOUTLa fête nationale suisseLa fête nationale suisse
01/08BALLARAT, VICLive music: Amie BrûléeLive music: Amie Brûlée
01/08CYGNET, TASTreasures of the French Baroque - Cygnet encore performanceTreasures of the French Baroque - Cygnet encore performance
01/08MELBOURNESwiss Club of Victoria Swiss National DaySwiss Club of Victoria Swiss National Day
01/08CAIRNSSix degrees of Fizz: Three WolvesSix degrees of Fizz: Three Wolves
01/08SUNSHINE COAST, QLDMeditation class with NadineMeditation class with Nadine
02/08ONLINEPaul Cezanne: A Bridge Between StylesPaul Cezanne: A Bridge Between Styles
02/08NOOSA HEADS, QLDSunshine Coast French Film Festival: My Dog StupidSunshine Coast French Film Festival: My Dog Stupid
02/08PERTHBook ClubBook Club
04/08ONLINESummer French Read AloudSummer French Read Aloud
04/08ONLINEMultilingualism in Audiovisual Translation: the Case of Jane the VirginMultilingualism in Audiovisual Translation: the Case of Jane the Virgin
04/08NOOSA HEADS, QLDSunshine Coast French Film Festival: De GaulleSunshine Coast French Film Festival: De Gaulle
05/08ONLINETalk with Assiatou Diallo - Humber River Black CreekTalk with Assiatou Diallo - Humber River Black Creek
05/08ONLINELe potentiel de l'art pour la transition des consciences et des territoiresLe potentiel de l'art pour la transition des consciences et des territoires
05/08BRISBANEMumm champagne tastingMumm champagne tasting
05/08MELBOURNEFACCI VIC: SME Eureka ProgramFACCI VIC: SME Eureka Program
05/08PERTHVasse Felix | A Defining Dinner on the RooftopVasse Felix | A Defining Dinner on the Rooftop
05/08 - 22/08MELBOURNEMelbourne International Film Festival (MIFF)Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF)
05/08MELBOURNEGrand Cru Shiraz Tasting and Dinner Grand Cru Shiraz Tasting and Dinner 
05/08PERTHFACCI WA: Hybrid - Hydrogen to make WA greenerFACCI WA: Hybrid - Hydrogen to make WA greener
06/08ONLINEVirtual Sip and SailVirtual Sip and Sail
06/08ONLINEVirtual Tour Burgundy and Bordeaux FranceVirtual Tour Burgundy and Bordeaux France
06/08ONLINEDispute and violence in early modern LanguedocDispute and violence in early modern Languedoc
06/08ONLINEThe crimes and legends of Paris: chapter 2The crimes and legends of Paris: chapter 2
06/08ONLINE"St. Helena: the Story of Napoleon’s Exile" with Arthur Groten, M.D."St. Helena: the Story of Napoleon’s Exile" with Arthur Groten, M.D.
06/08ONLINEThe crimes and legends of Paris: Chapter 4The crimes and legends of Paris: Chapter 4
06/08ONLINEVIBE BLOOM presented by WJ Properties: Art Making with Mirka LoiselleVIBE BLOOM presented by WJ Properties: Art Making with Mirka Loiselle
06/08BRISBANEImpressionsim - BrisbaneImpressionsim - Brisbane
06/08PERTHMacarons cooking class with French Michelin star chefMacarons cooking class with French Michelin star chef
06/08 - 10/08ONLINEPlay-PerView: Marie Antoinette (Live-Reunion Reading)Play-PerView: Marie Antoinette (Live-Reunion Reading)
07/08ONLINEFrench Book Club Discussion: "Le crépuscule des fauves"French Book Club Discussion: "Le crépuscule des fauves"
07/08ONLINEWigan's Twin Town, AngersWigan's Twin Town, Angers
07/08BALLINA, NSWFrench ScrabbleFrench Scrabble
07/08HOBART, TASPrint, Press & Draw workshopPrint, Press & Draw workshop
07/08LAKE GEORGE, NSWTruffle and Wine DinnerTruffle and Wine Dinner
07/08MALENY, QLDFrench Cooking Class - Winter MenuFrench Cooking Class - Winter Menu
07/08MELBOURNEBaked cheeses and hot drinksBaked cheeses and hot drinks
07/08PERTHFROM THE CELLAR - Vertical Wine Tasting ClassFROM THE CELLAR - Vertical Wine Tasting Class
07/08SOMERVILLE, VICMonet meets ChardonnayMonet meets Chardonnay
08/08ONLINEMultilingual TreatiesMultilingual Treaties
08/08BEECHWORTH, VICReveriesReveries
09/08ONLINESara's Salon II: French MélodieSara's Salon II: French Mélodie
09/08ONLINEThe crimes and legends of Paris: Chapter 3The crimes and legends of Paris: Chapter 3
09/08PERTHFrench connectionsFrench connections
10/08ADELAIDEFACCI SA: Tchin TchinFACCI SA: Tchin Tchin
10/08CANBERRATuralla Truffles X Dear Prudence Dinner 2: Last of the Truffle SeasonTuralla Truffles X Dear Prudence Dinner 2: Last of the Truffle Season
11/08ONLINEAppleton Book Club: "Judgment of Paris"Appleton Book Club: "Judgment of Paris"
11/08ONLINESummer French Read AloudSummer French Read Aloud
11/08ONLINEBerry galettesBerry galettes
11/08ADELAIDEMusic at Flinders concert series: Tim Kersten luteMusic at Flinders concert series: Tim Kersten lute
12/08ONLINETalk with Assiatou Diallo - Humber River Black CreekTalk with Assiatou Diallo - Humber River Black Creek
12/08ONLINEThe crimes and legends of Paris: Chapter 5The crimes and legends of Paris: Chapter 5
12/08ADELAIDEChampagne Launch Soirée: Louis Roederer Collection 242Champagne Launch Soirée: Louis Roederer Collection 242
12/08MELBOURNEFACCI VIC: Tchin TchinFACCI VIC: Tchin Tchin
12/08MELBOURNESouthside Piano Soirées: A French Affair (Part 1)Southside Piano Soirées: A French Affair (Part 1)
12/08BRISBANEFACCI QLD: Tchin TchinFACCI QLD: Tchin Tchin
12/08BRISBANEGrand Cru Shiraz Tasting DinnerGrand Cru Shiraz Tasting Dinner
12/08GRIFFITH, NSWMulticultural Movie: A Friendly TaleMulticultural Movie: A Friendly Tale
12/08PERTHFACCI WA: Tchin TchinFACCI WA: Tchin Tchin
13/08ONLINEFree virtual cooking class: Charcuterie boardFree virtual cooking class: Charcuterie board
13/08ONLINEVIBE BLOOM presented by WJ Properties: Art Making with Mirka LoiselleVIBE BLOOM presented by WJ Properties: Art Making with Mirka Loiselle
13/08ADELAIDEConference II - The Golden Age of French Poetry: 19th century romanticsConference II - The Golden Age of French Poetry: 19th century romantics
13/08ADELAIDEAdelaide Accueil: Assemblée GeneraleAdelaide Accueil: Assemblée Generale
13/08ADELAIDECabaret de ParisCabaret de Paris
13/08 - 15/08MELBOURNEMOULD: A Cheese Festival Melbourne 2021MOULD: A Cheese Festival Melbourne 2021
13/08 - 05/12MELBOURNEMoulin Rouge the MusicalMoulin Rouge the Musical
13/08TOOWOOMBA, QLDA ride with RobbieA ride with Robbie
14/08ADELAIDECabaret de ParisCabaret de Paris
14/08CANBERRAChampers and CharcuterieChampers and Charcuterie
14/08MELBOURNEBush Techno regrowth feat Kase Kochen D-SensBush Techno regrowth feat Kase Kochen D-Sens
16/08ONLINEThe crimes and legends of Paris: CHAPTER 4The crimes and legends of Paris: CHAPTER 4
16/08HOBART, TASPrint, Press & Draw workshopPrint, Press & Draw workshop
16/08PERTHPolar Pod Expedition: Live conference with the explorer and environmentalist Jean-Louis EtiennePolar Pod Expedition: Live conference with the explorer and environmentalist Jean-Louis Etienne
17/08ONLINEA novel experience: Leaving TangierA novel experience: Leaving Tangier
18/08ONLINESummer French Read AloudSummer French Read Aloud
18/08ONLINEVirtual Talk: The Free World with Louis MenandVirtual Talk: The Free World with Louis Menand
18/08HOBART, TASPrint, Press & Draw workshopPrint, Press & Draw workshop
18/08MELBOURNEFilms at Flemington: The Mystery of Henri PickFilms at Flemington: The Mystery of Henri Pick
18/08MELBOURNEFiona Stewart & Adam Rudegeair - A Little Bit Of FrenchFiona Stewart & Adam Rudegeair - A Little Bit Of French
19/08 - 22/08HOBART, TASBilingual Theatre Play "Art-"Bilingual Theatre Play "Art-"
19/08ONLINETalk with Assiatou Diallo - Humber River Black CreekTalk with Assiatou Diallo - Humber River Black Creek
19/08ONLINEPainted Pets: Dogs and Cats in the Works of Pierre BonnardPainted Pets: Dogs and Cats in the Works of Pierre Bonnard
19/08MELBOURNEA Taste of Terroir: Montagne de ReimsA Taste of Terroir: Montagne de Reims
19/08MELBOURNEThe ThesisThe Thesis
20/08ONLINEThe crimes and legends of Paris: CHAPTER 6The crimes and legends of Paris: CHAPTER 6
20/08ONLINEVirtual Chat with Food Writer Alexander Lobrano "My Place at the Table"Virtual Chat with Food Writer Alexander Lobrano "My Place at the Table"
20/08ONLINEVIBE BLOOM presented by WJ Properties: Art Making with Mirka LoiselleVIBE BLOOM presented by WJ Properties: Art Making with Mirka Loiselle
20/08BRISBANELe Book Club: W ou le souvenir d'enfance
by Georges Perec
Le Book Club: W ou le souvenir d'enfance
by Georges Perec
20/08BRISBANELa Messe (Brisbane) is presenting N.O.XLa Messe (Brisbane) is presenting N.O.X
20/08BUCKLAND, TASFrench Cooking ClassFrench Cooking Class
20/08CANBERRAMovie night: Jules et JimMovie night: Jules et Jim
20/08DARWINFrench Board Games NightFrench Board Games Night
20/08MELBOURNEFrench Macarons masterclass hosted by a French Michelin Star Pastry ChefFrench Macarons masterclass hosted by a French Michelin Star Pastry Chef
20/08NEWCASTLE, NSWFrench film: The Big HitFrench film: The Big Hit
20/08PERTH4 Essential Pastry Basics Cooking Class with French Michelin star chef4 Essential Pastry Basics Cooking Class with French Michelin star chef
21/08BALLINA, NSWFrench ScrabbleFrench Scrabble
21/08BRISBANEIntroduction to PatisserieIntroduction to Patisserie
21/08BUCKLAND, TASFrench Cooking ClassFrench Cooking Class
21/08CANBERRATour de Savoie – A Savoie Wine Appreciation MasterclassTour de Savoie – A Savoie Wine Appreciation Masterclass
22/08ONLINEOnline class: Sweet & savoury galettesOnline class: Sweet & savoury galettes
22/08ONLINEThe Paris End of Collins StreetThe Paris End of Collins Street
23/08ONLINE1944 D-day in Normandy: interactive webinar with a professional guide1944 D-day in Normandy: interactive webinar with a professional guide
23/08MELBOURNEThe Tour de France RevealedThe Tour de France Revealed
23/08MELBOURNEFilms at Avondale Heights: Of Love and LiesFilms at Avondale Heights: Of Love and Lies
24/08ADELAIDEFrench Macaron ClassFrench Macaron Class
24/08MELBOURNEHow to create a French partyHow to create a French party
24/08MORNINGTON, VICAuthor Talk: Liz HicklinAuthor Talk: Liz Hicklin
25/08ONLINESummer French Read AloudSummer French Read Aloud
25/08ONLINETalk: The Concorde: Technology Meets GlamourTalk: The Concorde: Technology Meets Glamour
25/08ONLINECoffee Conversation: post-lecture discussion on Beach, South of FranceCoffee Conversation: post-lecture discussion on Beach, South of France
25/08ONLINEVive La Liberty! A Conversation with French Ambassador Philippe EtienneVive La Liberty! A Conversation with French Ambassador Philippe Etienne
25/08ONLINELouise Penny presents The Madness of crowds with Dorie GreenspanLouise Penny presents The Madness of crowds with Dorie Greenspan
25/08BRISBANELa Tour Coste French Wine Cheese Sommelier guided experienceLa Tour Coste French Wine Cheese Sommelier guided experience
25/08GOLD COAST, QLDLittle Cooly uncorked wine dinner: Vasse Felix winesLittle Cooly uncorked wine dinner: Vasse Felix wines
25/08MELBOURNEDaniel Zisin at Small French BarDaniel Zisin at Small French Bar
25/08PERTHThe Champagne Chronicles - Chapter Six - Purity & PerfectionThe Champagne Chronicles - Chapter Six - Purity & Perfection
26/08ONLINEFACCI NSW: Come wine with me - online wine tastingFACCI NSW: Come wine with me - online wine tasting
26/08ONLINEJames Monroe: a discussionJames Monroe: a discussion
26/08ONLINEAlexander Lobrano + Anya von Bremzen: My Place at the TableAlexander Lobrano + Anya von Bremzen: My Place at the Table
26/08ONLINETalk with Assiatou Diallo - Humber River Black CreekTalk with Assiatou Diallo - Humber River Black Creek
26/08ADELAIDEFine Dining with Champagne TaittingerFine Dining with Champagne Taittinger
26/08PERTHPinot ShowdownPinot Showdown
27/08ONLINEVIBE BLOOM presented by WJ Properties: Art Making with Mirka LoiselleVIBE BLOOM presented by WJ Properties: Art Making with Mirka Loiselle
27/08ONLINEThe Crimes and legends of Paris: Chapter 7The Crimes and legends of Paris: Chapter 7
27/08ONLINEVisit the town of Le Puy-En-VelayVisit the town of Le Puy-En-Velay
27/08ADELAIDE'Tour de Paris' with Alex Roose'Tour de Paris' with Alex Roose
27/08BRISBANEEuropean Masterpieces - Up LateEuropean Masterpieces - Up Late
27/08MELBOURNEMimosas and MonetMimosas and Monet
27/08MELBOURNEEdith Piaf – Love, Life and No RegretsEdith Piaf – Love, Life and No Regrets
27/08PERTHCabaret de ParisCabaret de Paris
27/08PERTHLadies networking Chats, Champagne & CanapesLadies networking Chats, Champagne & Canapes
27/08 - 29/08BALLINA, NSWFrench Film FestivalFrench Film Festival
27/08 - 05/09MELBOURNEFrenchy WeekendsFrenchy Weekends
28/08ONLINERoxanne Veletzos: when the summer was oursRoxanne Veletzos: when the summer was ours
28/08ONLINEFilm en famille/ Family movie dayFilm en famille/ Family movie day
28/08ADELAIDESwiss Club of South Australia Swiss National Day celebrationSwiss Club of South Australia Swiss National Day celebration
28/08ADELAIDE'Tour de Paris' with Alex Roose'Tour de Paris' with Alex Roose
28/08ADELAIDEFrench Macaron ClassFrench Macaron Class
28/08BRISBANEEuropean Masterpieces - Up LateEuropean Masterpieces - Up Late
28/08CANBERRABastille Day singing workshopBastille Day singing workshop
28/08CANBERRABastille Day Frenchy concert with Pauline MaudyBastille Day Frenchy concert with Pauline Maudy
28/08COWRA, NSWMissMiss
28/08GHEERULLA, QLDSoirée at GheerullaSoirée at Gheerulla
28/08MELBOURNEDos and don'ts in FranceDos and don'ts in France
28/08PERTHCabaret de ParisCabaret de Paris
28/08NEWCASTLE, NSWFrench Seafood Stew MasterclassFrench Seafood Stew Masterclass
28/08PERTHAround The World in 80 Wines - Wine Tasting ClassAround The World in 80 Wines - Wine Tasting Class
29/08NOOSA, QLDThe Art Of Wine Series - SpringThe Art Of Wine Series - Spring
31/08HOBART, TASInfluential Clones: A chardonnay and pinot noir masterclassInfluential Clones: A chardonnay and pinot noir masterclass
31/08SYDNEYAuthor Talk: Helene Grover with Darren Saul "Sometimes the music" in personAuthor Talk: Helene Grover with Darren Saul "Sometimes the music" in person


Si nous avons manqué un événement, ou si vous souhaitez qu’un événement soit inclus dans une prochaine édition du Quoi faire, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel à matildamarseillaise (at) gmail.com.


Joyeux aout!



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