Quoi faire en juillet 2019?

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Voici une liste des événements autour de l’Australie en juillet 2019.

01/03 -14/07MELBOURNEThe Krystyna Campbell-Pretty Fashion Gift ExhibitionThe Krystyna Campbell-Pretty Fashion Gift Exhibition
16/04 -25/08MELBOURNEMirka for MelbourneMirka for Melbourne
27/04 -11/08SYDNEYThe Essential DuchampThe Essential Duchamp
07/06 - 01/09CANBERRAMonet: Impression SunriseMonet: Impression Sunrise
19/06 - 13/07MELBOURNETales from BundanonTales from Bundanon
01/07ADELAIDEJacques Tati: PlaytimeJacques Tati: Playtime
01/07CANBERRACanada Day Flag Raising Pancake BreakfastCanada Day Flag Raising Pancake Breakfast
01/07MELBOURNEJacques Tati: PlaytimeJacques Tati: Playtime
01/07MELBOURNEWhipped UpWhipped Up
01/07SYDNEYCACC Sydney Celebrates Canada DayCACC Sydney Celebrates Canada Day
02/07SYDNEYFACCI NSW: Breakfast with the Hon. NSW Minister for Transport and RoadsFACCI NSW: Breakfast with the Hon. NSW Minister for Transport and Roads
02/07SYDNEYDarlo Darlings vs Black Bottle Winter cheesy SeriesDarlo Darlings vs Black Bottle Winter cheesy Series
02/07SYDNEYWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
03/07BELGRAVE, VICWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
03/07BYRON BAY, NSWWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
03/07MELBOURNEWorld Music Café à l'Alliance - Senda Florida TrioWorld Music Café à l'Alliance - Senda Florida Trio
03/07MELBOURNEPerfume MasterclassPerfume Masterclass
03/07NEWCASTLE, NSWWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
03/07SYDNEYWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
04/07ADELAIDEWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
04/07MELBOURNEFrench Beauty WorkshopFrench Beauty Workshop
04/07MELBOURNEMerime & Natalie Carolan: Jazz, French Folk and StoriesMerime & Natalie Carolan: Jazz, French Folk and Stories
04/07BRISBANE5 course French Food & Wine Degustation5 course French Food & Wine Degustation
05/07BRISBANEThe Big Bang - percusion frenzyThe Big Bang - percusion frenzy
05/07BRISBANEMumm champagne paint and sipMumm champagne paint and sip
05/07CANBERRAAn evening with Bruce TyrrellAn evening with Bruce Tyrrell
05/07PERTHGrace Barbé 'Fanm:Woman' Album LaunchGrace Barbé 'Fanm:Woman' Album Launch
05/07NEWCASTLE, NSWLet's do Lunch (French)Let's do Lunch (French)
05-07 -07/07BRISBANELe FestivalLe Festival
06/07ADELAIDEAdelaide Cooking School - Flavours of FranceAdelaide Cooking School - Flavours of France
06/07MALENY, QLDFrench Cooking ClassFrench Cooking Class
06/07MELBOURNENWMH Winter Wine TourNWMH Winter Wine Tour
06/07PERTHDJ PepperpotDJ Pepperpot
06/07SYDNEYChocolate workshop for kidsChocolate workshop for kids
06/07SYDNEYMumm Après Ski Beachside partyMumm Après Ski Beachside party
06/07SYDNEYVisite guidée en français collection d’art indigène australien
Visite guidée en français collection d’art indigène australien
06/07WINDSOR, NSWThe Tipsy TruffleThe Tipsy Truffle
07/07ADELAIDE/BAROSSABonjour BarossaBonjour Barossa
07/07ADELAIDEBelgian Chocolate High TeaBelgian Chocolate High Tea
07/07BLUE MOUNTAINS, NSWGovetts Leap Pulpit Rock Champagne BreakfastGovetts Leap Pulpit Rock Champagne Breakfast
07/07MELBOURNENothing ToulouseNothing Toulouse
07/07SUTTON, NSWTruffle Hunt & Morning TeaTruffle Hunt & Morning Tea
07/07SYDNEYDuo chocolate classDuo chocolate class
08/07GEELONG, VICAround the world in a dayAround the world in a day
08/07MELBOURNEWhipped UpWhipped Up
09/07FORSTER, NSWBestselling Author event "Sixty Summers" by Amanda HampsonBestselling Author event "Sixty Summers" by Amanda Hampson
09/07MAITLAND, NSWCunning Kids Macaron Cooking ClassCunning Kids Macaron Cooking Class
09/07MELBOURNEFACCI VIC: Building Sustainable BusinessesFACCI VIC: Building Sustainable Businesses
09/07MELBOURNEWhipped UpWhipped Up
09/07SYDNEYDarlo Darlings vs Black Bottle Winter cheesy SeriesDarlo Darlings vs Black Bottle Winter cheesy Series
09/07 -14/07HOBARTMajor Classical Workshop with Graham AbbottMajor Classical Workshop with Graham Abbott
10/07ADELAIDEFrench swearing classFrench swearing class
10/07BRISBANEBook Launch: Anna CahillBook Launch: Anna Cahill
10/07BRISBANEMaking Marie Curie: Intellectual Property and Celebrity Culture in an Age of InformationMaking Marie Curie: Intellectual Property and Celebrity Culture in an Age of Information
10/07BRISBANEWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
10/07GEELONG, VICWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
10/07HOBARTWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
10/07MORWELL, VICWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
10/07SYDNEYBastille DayBastille Day
10/07SYDNEYSilvester's Wine DinnerSilvester's Wine Dinner
10/07SYDNEYSkål International Sydney - July Lunch - Bastille DaySkål International Sydney - July Lunch - Bastille Day
11/07ADELAIDEBastille Day DinnerBastille Day Dinner
11/07GEELONGMagic of Paris - An International French Cabaret - A Bastille Day CelebrationMagic of Paris - An International French Cabaret - A Bastille Day Celebration
11/07MELBOURNECACC Melbourne Celebrates Canada DayCACC Melbourne Celebrates Canada Day
11/07MELBOURNEFACCI VIC: How to navigate through the three Rs of HR: Rights to work- Recruitment - RetentionFACCI VIC: How to navigate through the three Rs of HR: Rights to work- Recruitment - Retention
11/07MELBOURNEWhipped UpWhipped Up
11/07SYDNEYFACCI NSW: Winning Formula Bastille Day Champagne BreakfastFACCI NSW: Winning Formula Bastille Day Champagne Breakfast
11/07SYDNEYClement Rhum Boiler Maker Dinner No.3Clement Rhum Boiler Maker Dinner No.3
11/07SYDNEYSingles Event, Wines of France (28-38)Singles Event, Wines of France (28-38)
11/07 - 12/07SYDNEYMurder Party & Mystery GamesMurder Party & Mystery Games
11/07 -14/07SYDNEYBastille FestivalBastille Festival
12/07DARWINBastille Day eveningBastille Day evening
12/07MELBOURNEFrench Patisserie WorkshopFrench Patisserie Workshop
12/07NEWCASTLE, NSWFrench Fridays Movie NightFrench Fridays Movie Night
12/07PERTHFACCI WA: Bastille Day Business BrunchFACCI WA: Bastille Day Business Brunch
12/07SALE, VICMimosa DuoMimosa Duo
12/07SUNSHINE COASTFrench regional wines and flavours masterclassFrench regional wines and flavours masterclass
12/07SYDNEYPublic Lecture by Caroline Ford: The New Dwelling, Social Activism and Architectural InnovationPublic Lecture by Caroline Ford: The New Dwelling, Social Activism and Architectural Innovation
12/07WOLLONGONG, NSWDiggies French Food, Wine and Trivia DinnerDiggies French Food, Wine and Trivia Dinner
12/07WOLLONGONG, NSWMatisse Paper Cut Outs Collage for 5-8 year oldsMatisse Paper Cut Outs Collage for 5-8 year olds
12/07 - 13/07MELBOURNEBastille Day French FestivalBastille Day French Festival
13/07ADELAIDEBastille Day Dinner at the Central MarketBastille Day Dinner at the Central Market
13/07ADELAIDEBastille Day - A Parisian Affair with Mélange à TroisBastille Day - A Parisian Affair with Mélange à Trois
13/07ARMIDALE, NSWYackandandah Mini Film FestivalYackandandah Mini Film Festival
13/07ARMIDALE, NSWBastille Day LuncheonBastille Day Luncheon
13/07BRISBANEMemoirs of a Showgirl - Bastille Day celebrationMemoirs of a Showgirl - Bastille Day celebration
13/07CLARE VALLEY, SAPorchetta + PinotPorchetta + Pinot
13/07GEELONGBastille Day dinnerBastille Day dinner
13/07GOLD COASTAF Gold Coast Bastille Day celebrationAF Gold Coast Bastille Day celebration
13/07GREEN POINT, NSWBastille Day French Wine TastingBastille Day French Wine Tasting
13/07IPSWICH, QLDBastille Day CelebrationsBastille Day Celebrations
13/07MELBOURNEFragrance MasterclassFragrance Masterclass
13/07MELBOURNEFrench Haute Couture MasterclassFrench Haute Couture Masterclass
13/07MELBOURNEFrench Wine TastingFrench Wine Tasting
13/07MELBOURNEOld World versus New World Wine and Cheese pairingOld World versus New World Wine and Cheese pairing
13/07MELBOURNEPatisserie & Champagne MasterclassPatisserie & Champagne Masterclass
13/07MELBOURNESupper Slam (VETO (France)Supper Slam (VETO (France)
13/07MELBOURNEWomen of the French RevolutionWomen of the French Revolution
13/07PERTHFACCI WA: Bastille Day CelebrationFACCI WA: Bastille Day Celebration
13/07PERTHBastille DayBastille Day
13/07SUNSHINE COASTBastille Day eventBastille Day event
13/07SUNSHINE COASTSpice bar champagne by the ocean luncheonSpice bar champagne by the ocean luncheon
13/07SYDNEYBastille Day Wine TastingBastille Day Wine Tasting
13/07SYDNEYBastille Day Festival: initiation mini rugbyBastille Day Festival: initiation mini rugby
13/07SYDNEYBastille Day Marche aux lampionsBastille Day Marche aux lampions
13/07SYDNEYThe Merry Frolics of Méliès A Twilight ConcertThe Merry Frolics of Méliès A Twilight Concert
13/07 - 14/07SYDNEYFrench Rose Bay MarketFrench Rose Bay Market
14/07ADELAIDEBastille Day BrunchBastille Day Brunch
14/07ADELAIDEBelgian Chocolate High TeaBelgian Chocolate High Tea
14/07ADELAIDEBastillemania: Louise Blackwell & The French SetBastillemania: Louise Blackwell & The French Set
14/07ADELAIDEParis in SpringParis in Spring
14/07BRISBANETwo TreasuresTwo Treasures
14/07BRISBANECelebrate Bastille DayCelebrate Bastille Day
14/07CAIRNSBastille DayBastille Day
14/07CANBERRABastille Champagne BrunchBastille Champagne Brunch
14/07CANBERRA"Say what?" Unusual wine grape varietals lunch"Say what?" Unusual wine grape varietals lunch
14/07CLUNES, NSWLa fete nationale Raclette lunchLa fete nationale Raclette lunch
14/07DARWINFundraising Night - French Film FestivalFundraising Night - French Film Festival
14/07HOBARTLa fete nationale lunchLa fete nationale lunch
14/07LAUNCESTONLa fete nationale lunchLa fete nationale lunch
14/07MELBOURNENothing ToulouseNothing Toulouse
14/07MELBOURNEBastille Day with a vueBastille Day with a vue
14/07MELBOURNERevolver Sundays presents Made in ParisRevolver Sundays presents Made in Paris
14/07NEWCASTLE, NSWBastille Day LunchBastille Day Lunch
14/07PERTHSassafras Trio @ P'tite Ardoise BistroSassafras Trio @ P'tite Ardoise Bistro
14/07PORT MACQUARIEBastille Day with the Alliance FrançaiseBastille Day with the Alliance Française
14/07ROCKHAMPTONQuatorze juillet luncheonQuatorze juillet luncheon
14/07SAPPHIRE COAST, NSWBastille Day LunchBastille Day Lunch
14/07SEVILLE EAST/YARRA VALLEYBastille Day Luncheon & Launch of Bonjour Yarra ValleyBastille Day Luncheon & Launch of Bonjour Yarra Valley
14/07SUNSHINE COASTBastille Day double featureBastille Day double feature
14/07SUTTON, NSWTruffle Hunt & Morning TeaTruffle Hunt & Morning Tea
14/07SYDNEYFrench/English chocolate classFrench/English chocolate class
14/07SYDNEYBastille Day Community CelebrationBastille Day Community Celebration
14/07SYDNEYBastille Day DinnerBastille Day Dinner
14/07WOLLONGONGBastille Day luncheonBastille Day luncheon
14/07 -24/07WAGGA WAGGA, NSWFrench Fim FestivalFrench Fim Festival
16/07GOLD COASTWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
16/07MACKAY, QLDWalk with meWalk with me
16/07ROCKHAMPTON, QLDWalk with meWalk with me
16/07SUNSHINE COASTWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
16/07SYDNEYDarlo Darlings vs Black Bottle Winter cheesy SeriesDarlo Darlings vs Black Bottle Winter cheesy Series
16/07SYDNEYWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
16/07SYDNEYRye July: A Boilermarker dinnerRye July: A Boilermarker dinner
17/07CAIRNSWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
17/07CANBERRAWalk with meWalk with me
17/07MAROOCHYDORE, QLDWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
17/07TOOWOOMBAWalk with meWalk with me
17/07 - 18/07MELBOURNEIn one act: public play reading performancesIn one act: public play reading performances
18/07PERTHWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
18/07PERTHBistro Felix Wine DinnerBistro Felix Wine Dinner
18/07PERTHTruffle & Pinot dinnerTruffle & Pinot dinner
18/07PERTHYann VissacYann Vissac
18/07SYDNEYPerfume making workshop: The invistible acccessory projectPerfume making workshop: The invistible acccessory project
19/07BRISBANEFACCI QLD: Bastille Day Business Breakfast with Pat HowardFACCI QLD: Bastille Day Business Breakfast with Pat Howard
19/07MELBOURNEVIC: Tour de France LunchVIC: Tour de France Lunch
20/07ADELAIDE/HAHNDORFSanté! Enchanté! Hilarité!Santé! Enchanté! Hilarité!
20/07CANBERRAMonet watercolours and wineMonet watercolours and wine
20/07COWARAMUP, WANight of NoirNight of Noir
20/07MELBOURNETour de France TourmaletTour de France Tourmalet
20/07MELBOURNECarmen-Sibha Keiso presents: "On Love & Fascism: the cultivated self"Carmen-Sibha Keiso presents: "On Love & Fascism: the cultivated self"
20/07MELBOURNEYoga and champagne breakfastYoga and champagne breakfast
20/07MORNINGTON, VICCasa de Playa presents Tour de France stage 14Casa de Playa presents Tour de France stage 14
20/07PERTHG ReyG Rey
20/07SYDNEYChocolate workshop for kidsChocolate workshop for kids
21/07EVERYWHEREBelgian National DayBelgian National Day
21/07ADELAIDEBelgian Chocolate High TeaBelgian Chocolate High Tea
21/07MELBOURNENothing ToulouseNothing Toulouse
21/07SUTTON, NSWTruffle Hunt & Morning TeaTruffle Hunt & Morning Tea
22/07BRISBANEFrench Book ClubFrench Book Club
22/07GOLD COASTParis in SpringParis in Spring
22/07 -02/08MELBOURNECourage to CareCourage to Care
23/07ADELAIDEWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
23/07BLUE MOUNTAINS, NSWWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
23/07NEWCASTLE, NSWWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
23/07SYDNEYDarlo Darlings vs Black Bottle Winter cheesy SeriesDarlo Darlings vs Black Bottle Winter cheesy Series
24/07BELGRAVE, VICWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
24/07CANBERRADystopic prisons in pantopic fictionDystopic prisons in pantopic fiction
24/07MELBOURNERedmond Barry lecture: Ballet: not just tutus and tiarasRedmond Barry lecture: Ballet: not just tutus and tiaras
24/07PERTHVin chaud aud fromageVin chaud aud fromage
24/07SYDNEYWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
24/07WOLLONGONG, NSWWalk with me - encore screeningWalk with me - encore screening
25/07SYDNEYFrrench Aussie DrinksFrrench Aussie Drinks
25/07MELBOURNEFrench Aussie DrinksFrench Aussie Drinks
25/07PERTHSpecial soirée with Natasha LesterSpecial soirée with Natasha Lester
25/07SYDNEYFrench/English chocolate classFrench/English chocolate class
25/07SYDNEYCaviar masterclassCaviar masterclass
25/07SYDNEYArles: The Roman city of ArelateArles: The Roman city of Arelate
26/07BYRON BAY, NSWChampagne Vadin-Plateau DinnerChampagne Vadin-Plateau Dinner
26/07GOLD COASTThe Winemakers dinnerThe Winemakers dinner
26/07MARGARET RIVERMany hands, many landsMany hands, many lands
26/07MELBOURNEFriday French Grand TourFriday French Grand Tour
27/07ADELAIDEInspire your way to living your wildest creative dreamsInspire your way to living your wildest creative dreams
27/07ADELAIDEIt's warm inside (Les flaneurs volants)It's warm inside (Les flaneurs volants)
27/07ADELAIDEWinter Reds: Pinot & SpiceWinter Reds: Pinot & Spice
27/07BEECHWORTH, VICTour de Beechworth DinnerTour de Beechworth Dinner
27/07MELBOURNEFrom Alphington to Anderlecht - La Sirène & CantillonFrom Alphington to Anderlecht - La Sirène & Cantillon
27/07SYDNEYEssentially FrenchEssentially French
27/07SYDNEYMoonlight Paris - Sydney Moonlight Paris - Sydney
27/07SYDNEYReturn to Bistro Moncur 1993Return to Bistro Moncur 1993
28/07ADELAIDEBelgian Chocolate High TeaBelgian Chocolate High Tea
28/07ADELAIDE/HAHNDORFEnchanté, meet me on the slopesEnchanté, meet me on the slopes
28/07GOLD COASTSunsets by Sanctuary CoveSunsets by Sanctuary Cove
28/07MELBOURNELunch with winemaker Stuar Dudine of AlkimiLunch with winemaker Stuar Dudine of Alkimi
28/07MELBOURNENothing ToulouseNothing Toulouse
28/07SUTTON, NSWTruffle Hunt & Morning TeaTruffle Hunt & Morning Tea
28/07SYDNEYTour de WarringahTour de Warringah
30/07NEWCASTLE, NSWGetting saucy interactive demonstrationGetting saucy interactive demonstration
30/07SYDNEYDarlo Darlings vs Black Bottle Winter cheesy SeriesDarlo Darlings vs Black Bottle Winter cheesy Series
31/07LAKE MACQUARIEA morning with Kate Forsyth – The Blue RoseA morning with Kate Forsyth – The Blue Rose
31/07MELBOURNE2 films about Vali Myers: The Tightrope Dancer and Painted Lady2 films about Vali Myers: The Tightrope Dancer and Painted Lady
31/07SYDNEYDe Beaurepaire Wine DinnerDe Beaurepaire Wine Dinner


S’il manque un événement, faites-nous savoir soit par commentaire sur cet article ou par email à matildamarseillaise (at) gmail.com


Bon mois. Quoi faites-vous en juillet 2019?



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