Quoi faire en novembre 2020?

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C’est fou qu’on soit déjà en novembre! Voici tous les évènements virtuelles et sur place en Australie avec un theme français ou francophone qui auront lieu ce mois-ci.


Il y a plus de 230 évenèments!

novembre 2020

25/09 - 20/12SYDNEYVan Gogh LiveVan Gogh Live
02/11LONGREACH, QLDMZAZA - The Birth and Death of StarsMZAZA - The Birth and Death of Stars
02/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEIntro to French pastryIntro to French pastry
02/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEAlice Hoffman in conversation with Maureen CorriganAlice Hoffman in conversation with Maureen Corrigan
02/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEBouchaine BistroBouchaine Bistro
02/11ONLINE/EN LIGNESeminar Series On Marcel Proust - Swann's Way - Part VISeminar Series On Marcel Proust - Swann's Way - Part VI
02/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEA Virtual Staged Reading of The PlagueA Virtual Staged Reading of The Plague
03/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEMeet a Nose: Harold McGeeMeet a Nose: Harold McGee
04/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELes grands explorateurs en FranceLes grands explorateurs en France
04/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEWebinar Respost! avec Pascal Bruckner et Patrick Poivre d'ArvorWebinar Respost! avec Pascal Bruckner et Patrick Poivre d'Arvor
04/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFigaret, le relancement audacieux d’une Marque de traditionFigaret, le relancement audacieux d’une Marque de tradition
04/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEWorkshop Réseau : Développer son réseau de façon authentiqueWorkshop Réseau : Développer son réseau de façon authentique
04/11ONLINE/EN LIGNETalk by Rami Sherman - Raid on EntebbeTalk by Rami Sherman - Raid on Entebbe
04/11SYDNEYChardonnay wine tastingChardonnay wine tasting
04/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELa Masterclass digitale La MerLa Masterclass digitale La Mer
05/11ONLINE/EN LIGNESupervision workshop with Robin Shohet & Joan WilmotSupervision workshop with Robin Shohet & Joan Wilmot
05/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEThink Tank Agir pour l'Egalité | Les nouvelles compétences au travailThink Tank Agir pour l'Egalité | Les nouvelles compétences au travail
05/11ONLINE/EN LIGNED-DAY LIVE - virtual guided tour of Omaha Beach (PART 1)D-DAY LIVE - virtual guided tour of Omaha Beach (PART 1)
05/11SYDNEYThe Langham, Sydney's - Kitchens on Kent Dinner Series with Laurent-PerrierThe Langham, Sydney's - Kitchens on Kent Dinner Series with Laurent-Perrier
05/11ONLINE/EN LIGNE'1939 - Fears and Hopes' a live stream talk by Gareth Howell'1939 - Fears and Hopes' a live stream talk by Gareth Howell
05/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELab Networking - Comment réussir sa démarche réseau ? [En Français]Lab Networking - Comment réussir sa démarche réseau ? [En Français]
05/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELe marché des industries de santé en ChineLe marché des industries de santé en Chine
05/11MELBOURNEMelbourne Salon: Unravelling the cancer puzzleMelbourne Salon: Unravelling the cancer puzzle
05/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELes entreprises face aux cyber-attaques ... #cybersecurity #developersLes entreprises face aux cyber-attaques ... #cybersecurity #developers
05/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEIntercoTOUR Pays de la Loire - AngersIntercoTOUR Pays de la Loire - Angers
05/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEPDJ "Le drive-to-store à l’heure de la communication responsable"PDJ "Le drive-to-store à l’heure de la communication responsable"
05/11ADELAIDELe Dieu du Carnage - Panache TheatreLe Dieu du Carnage - Panache Theatre
05/11SYDNEYWine and Dine at Le Petit LouvreWine and Dine at Le Petit Louvre
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNESLLL presents Women in French Australia inaugural Seminar SeriesSLLL presents Women in French Australia inaugural Seminar Series
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEVirtual French Macaron WorkshopVirtual French Macaron Workshop
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELe S & F ShowLe S & F Show
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEOnline Ciné Canapé + French discussion "99 francs"Online Ciné Canapé + French discussion "99 francs"
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEBubbles for the Holidays: Virtual Tasting ClassBubbles for the Holidays: Virtual Tasting Class
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEJay Jaxon : An American Fashion Designer, Couturier & Costumier in ParisJay Jaxon : An American Fashion Designer, Couturier & Costumier in Paris
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELIVE - Yoga détente (Hatha)LIVE - Yoga détente (Hatha)
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEUnderstanding French Wines in NO DECANTING!® - LiteUnderstanding French Wines in NO DECANTING!® - Lite
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEShani Mootoo & Jane Urquhart in ConversationShani Mootoo & Jane Urquhart in Conversation
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrench Book Club: Le Petit PrinceFrench Book Club: Le Petit Prince
06/11ADELAIDELe Dieu du Carnage - Panache TheatreLe Dieu du Carnage - Panache Theatre
06/11YEPPOON, QLDMZAZA - The Birth and Death of StarsMZAZA - The Birth and Death of Stars
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEMaster The Art Of The Comeback: Reclaiming Your Power Back Through HumourMaster The Art Of The Comeback: Reclaiming Your Power Back Through Humour
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNESongs of Salomon: A piano recitalSongs of Salomon: A piano recital
06/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrance Alumni Singapore Lecture SeriesFrance Alumni Singapore Lecture Series
06/11BRISBANEVintopia Lovely BubblyVintopia Lovely Bubbly
07/11EVERYWHERE/PARTOUTInternational Merlot Day/ la Journée mondiale du merlotInternational Merlot Day/ la Journée mondiale du merlot
07/11ONLINE/EN LIGNESixty Years After Independence: Rethinking France’s Colonial LegacySixty Years After Independence: Rethinking France’s Colonial Legacy
07/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEAlliance Française de Frederick Cinq à SeptAlliance Française de Frederick Cinq à Sept
07/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEJames Tissot Conference, between France and the UK: the ambiguous narratorJames Tissot Conference, between France and the UK: the ambiguous narrator
07/11ONLINE/EN LIGNE2020 French and Indian War Seminar2020 French and Indian War Seminar
07/11ONLINE/EN LIGNESyracuse International Film FestivalSyracuse International Film Festival
07/11ONLINE/EN LIGNETour de France - Stage 1Tour de France - Stage 1
07/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEVénus Noire: Conversation with Dr. Robin MitchellVénus Noire: Conversation with Dr. Robin Mitchell
07/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEOnline French Book ClubOnline French Book Club
07/11ADELAIDELe Dieu du Carnage - Panache TheatreLe Dieu du Carnage - Panache Theatre
07/11BUCKLAND, TASFrench Cooking classesFrench Cooking classes
07/11MOUNT TAMBOURINE, QLDMZAZA - The Birth and Death of StarsMZAZA - The Birth and Death of Stars
07/11 - 08/11ADELAIDECheeseFest & Ferment the FestivalCheeseFest & Ferment the Festival
07/11 - 08/11CANBERRACouture beading embellishment beginners courseCouture beading embellishment beginners course
08/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEGRAPE: Regional Studies: Chenin BlancGRAPE: Regional Studies: Chenin Blanc
08/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEThe Birth of Imperial “Collecting” – Napoleon and the Pillaging of Egypt and RomeThe Birth of Imperial “Collecting” – Napoleon and the Pillaging of Egypt and Rome
08/11CURRUMBIN, QLDMZAZA - The Birth and Death of StarsMZAZA - The Birth and Death of Stars
08/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELes Ateliers de l'Art : Non, les Grecs n’aimaient pas le blanc !Les Ateliers de l'Art : Non, les Grecs n’aimaient pas le blanc !
08/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEMusical soulmates: music of the Americas and their influenceMusical soulmates: music of the Americas and their influence
08/11SYDNEYLe Marché WilloughbyLe Marché Willoughby
07/11BUCKLAND, TASFrench Cooking classesFrench Cooking classes
09/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEThe Story of the French Garden Online Lecture REPEAT LECTUREThe Story of the French Garden Online Lecture REPEAT LECTURE
09/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFACCI: Video Conference: Discussion with the Reserve Bank of Australia on the economyFACCI: Video Conference: Discussion with the Reserve Bank of Australia on the economy
09/11ONLINE/EN LIGNECreative conversations: Peter MayCreative conversations: Peter May
09/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEWriting the ride: Cycling and the written wordWriting the ride: Cycling and the written word
09/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEWebconférence | Le tabou des règles à l’école : du constat à l'actionWebconférence | Le tabou des règles à l’école : du constat à l'action
10/11ONLINE/EN LIGNE“Polyglot Encounters in Early Modern English Narratives of Distant Travels”“Polyglot Encounters in Early Modern English Narratives of Distant Travels”
10/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEDistilleries et Domaines de ProvenceDistilleries et Domaines de Provence
10/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEGRAPE: Regional Studies: Chenin BlancGRAPE: Regional Studies: Chenin Blanc
10/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrench ANZ Business DaysFrench ANZ Business Days
10/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEOdd Mondays Book reading: Faraway placesOdd Mondays Book reading: Faraway places
10/11ONLINE/EN LIGNESheffield's Feminist Rebels: Suffrage before the suffragettesSheffield's Feminist Rebels: Suffrage before the suffragettes
10/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEThe Work World Featuring Aymeric Kevin, Production DesignerThe Work World Featuring Aymeric Kevin, Production Designer
10/11ADELAIDEFrench macaron classFrench macaron class
11/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrench ANZ Business DaysFrench ANZ Business Days
11/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEVirtual 1850s San Francisco: Paris of the PacificVirtual 1850s San Francisco: Paris of the Pacific
11/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEAn Irrepressible Woman: A Discussion of the Holocaust in FranceAn Irrepressible Woman: A Discussion of the Holocaust in France
11/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELivestream: Sweet and Savory Crêpes with Anna MaysLivestream: Sweet and Savory Crêpes with Anna Mays
11/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEWhat wine to serve for Turkey Day: Pinot Noir French vs CaliforniaWhat wine to serve for Turkey Day: Pinot Noir French vs California
11/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEEllie Grigsby: the forgotten faces of the Great WarEllie Grigsby: the forgotten faces of the Great War
11/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEWomen of Color Leading Change: Stories of US Diplomats in FranceWomen of Color Leading Change: Stories of US Diplomats in France
11/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEAssassin's Creed Unity: visite virtuelle du Paris de 1789Assassin's Creed Unity: visite virtuelle du Paris de 1789
11/11PERTHLetters from the Front: Rare messages from an ANZAC soldierLetters from the Front: Rare messages from an ANZAC soldier
12/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFRANCE 2020 Conference OnlineFRANCE 2020 Conference Online
12/11ONLINE/EN LIGNED-DAY LIVE - virtual guided tour of Omaha Beach (PART 2)D-DAY LIVE - virtual guided tour of Omaha Beach (PART 2)
12/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELacaton & VassalLacaton & Vassal
12/11ONLINE/EN LIGNE“Polyglot Encounters in Early Modern English Narratives of Distant Travels”“Polyglot Encounters in Early Modern English Narratives of Distant Travels”
12/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEMeet a Nose: Andreas KellerMeet a Nose: Andreas Keller
12/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEAfro-Creole Poetic Activism in Civil War-Era New OrleansAfro-Creole Poetic Activism in Civil War-Era New Orleans
12/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFREE Discover: Food & Culture of French Speaking Countries Around the WorldFREE Discover: Food & Culture of French Speaking Countries Around the World
12/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrench ANZ Business DaysFrench ANZ Business Days
12/11ONLINE/EN LIGNERevival of the Breton LanguageRevival of the Breton Language
12/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELe cercle francophone d'histoireLe cercle francophone d'histoire
12/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELab LinkedIn - Un profil attractif, une stratégie efficace [En Français]Lab LinkedIn - Un profil attractif, une stratégie efficace [En Français]
12/11ONLINE/EN LIGNE1940 Going it alone - a live stream talk with Gareth Howell1940 Going it alone - a live stream talk with Gareth Howell
12/11ADELAIDEFACCI SA: Tchin Tchin French ANZ Business Days networkingFACCI SA: Tchin Tchin French ANZ Business Days networking
12/11BRISBANEFACCI QLD: Tchin Tchin French ANZ Business Days networkingFACCI QLD: Tchin Tchin French ANZ Business Days networking
12/11GRIFFITH, NSWMulticultural Movie nightMulticultural Movie night
12/11PERTHFACCI WA: Tchin Tchin French ANZ Business Days networkingFACCI WA: Tchin Tchin French ANZ Business Days networking
12/11PERTHAn evening with Natasha LesterAn evening with Natasha Lester
12/11SYDNEYFACCI NSW: Tchin Tchin French ANZ Business Days networkingFACCI NSW: Tchin Tchin French ANZ Business Days networking
12/11SYDNEYWine and Dine at Le Petit LouvreWine and Dine at Le Petit Louvre
12/11 - 14/11ONLINE/EN LIGNE2 jours pour entreprendre2 jours pour entreprendre
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEOnline Loup-GarouOnline Loup-Garou
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEOnline Ciné Canapé + French discussion "Les demoiselles de Rochefort"Online Ciné Canapé + French discussion "Les demoiselles de Rochefort"
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEIntersection 20: Paris CampfireIntersection 20: Paris Campfire
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEVixen's 15Vixen's 15
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEThomas Keller and Corey Chow | THE FRENCH LAUNDRY, PER SE w/ Alice WatersThomas Keller and Corey Chow | THE FRENCH LAUNDRY, PER SE w/ Alice Waters
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEVictory Gardens Virtual GalaVictory Gardens Virtual Gala
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNESociety for Museum Archaeology Conference: TechnologySociety for Museum Archaeology Conference: Technology
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrancophone Film ClubFrancophone Film Club
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrench ANZ Business DaysFrench ANZ Business Days
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFall flavours of FranceFall flavours of France
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFaites vous embaucher chez Google dans les fonctions businessFaites vous embaucher chez Google dans les fonctions business
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNESpirit and Music Concert series: The Soul of the violinSpirit and Music Concert series: The Soul of the violin
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNESyracuse International Film FestivalSyracuse International Film Festival
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEUnderstanding French Wines in NO DECANTING!® - LiteUnderstanding French Wines in NO DECANTING!® - Lite
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEConnect with French Language & Culture Through Live Music!Connect with French Language & Culture Through Live Music!
13/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELA Dance Shorts Film FestLA Dance Shorts Film Fest
13/11ADELAIDECine Club - Rock'n RollCine Club - Rock'n Roll
14/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEOTZ Women in the Military - The Six Triple Eight DocumentaryOTZ Women in the Military - The Six Triple Eight Documentary
14/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEThe Eternal Coco Chanel by Celine GlonThe Eternal Coco Chanel by Celine Glon
14/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELynne Ambrosini and Patricia Mainardi: French Art of the Nineteenth CenturyLynne Ambrosini and Patricia Mainardi: French Art of the Nineteenth Century
14/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrench Language and History workshop - La désobéissance civileFrench Language and History workshop - La désobéissance civile
14/11DUNGOG, NSWFrench film festivalFrench film festival
14/11SUNSHINE COASTAnnual General MeetingAnnual General Meeting
15/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEImpressionnisme au musée d'Orsay, portrait d'artistes: Berthe Morisot- Inscrivez vous avant pour regarder après (à une horaire plus convenable en Australie)Impressionnisme au musée d'Orsay, portrait d'artistes: Berthe Morisot- Inscrivez vous avant pour regarder après (à une horaire plus convenable en Australie)
15/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFinal Transgression: Online Book Talk with Harriet WeltyFinal Transgression: Online Book Talk with Harriet Welty
15/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEVirtually meet the winemaker Nicolas RossignolVirtually meet the winemaker Nicolas Rossignol
15/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEÉtait-on plus propre au Moyen-Age ou du temps de Louis XIV?Était-on plus propre au Moyen-Age ou du temps de Louis XIV?
15/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEOld masters art tour of the National Gallery of ArtOld masters art tour of the National Gallery of Art
15/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFiction Book Club: The Mystery of Henri PickFiction Book Club: The Mystery of Henri Pick
15/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEGamayzing Virtual Wine tasting of the cru BeaujolaisGamayzing Virtual Wine tasting of the cru Beaujolais
15/11DUNGOG, NSWFrench film festivalFrench film festival
15/11SUNSHINE COASTYoga in French with EmilieYoga in French with Emilie
15/11SYDNEYCLAUDE SAUTET: Afairs of the Heart at the Randwick RitzCLAUDE SAUTET: Afairs of the Heart at the Randwick Ritz
17/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEVirtual Brandy TastingVirtual Brandy Tasting
17/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEBuilding a Transnational Sephardi Network out of Interwar ParisBuilding a Transnational Sephardi Network out of Interwar Paris
17/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEMonday Poets: Fiona Sze-Lorrain and Nate KlugMonday Poets: Fiona Sze-Lorrain and Nate Klug
17/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELa solution ultime et universelle face à la distanciation socialeLa solution ultime et universelle face à la distanciation sociale
17/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEOnline French inspired cooking classOnline French inspired cooking class
17/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELa Région IDF soutient les Medtech dans la mise en conformité RéglementaireLa Région IDF soutient les Medtech dans la mise en conformité Réglementaire
18/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrance, Germany, Poland: Disclosure under EU NFR DirectiveFrance, Germany, Poland: Disclosure under EU NFR Directive
18/11ONLINE/EN LIGNECaterina de’ Medici, the royal foodie and her “food legacyCaterina de’ Medici, the royal foodie and her “food legacy
18/11ONLINE/EN LIGNETHIRST for the Right Bank of BordeauxTHIRST for the Right Bank of Bordeaux
18/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELe vin nouveau n’est pas une bananeLe vin nouveau n’est pas une banane
18/11ONLINE/EN LIGNENovember Dialogue: A Culture of Resilience in Europe, Africa & Middle EastNovember Dialogue: A Culture of Resilience in Europe, Africa & Middle East
18/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEVALEO au cœur des trois révolutions de l’industrie automobileVALEO au cœur des trois révolutions de l’industrie automobile
18/11DEVONPORT, TASPortrait of a Lady on FirePortrait of a Lady on Fire
19/11EVERYWHERE/PARTOUTBeaujolais Nouveau DayBeaujolais Nouveau Day
19/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrench-Canadian Genealogy: Getting StartedFrench-Canadian Genealogy: Getting Started
19/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEIntroduction to French Wines (Virtual Live Class)Introduction to French Wines (Virtual Live Class)
19/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEPort and City in Modern Marseille (IHR Rethinking Modern Europe Seminar)Port and City in Modern Marseille (IHR Rethinking Modern Europe Seminar)
19/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFingal Libraries online book clubFingal Libraries online book club
19/11ONLINE/EN LIGNETom Austen Brown Memorial LectureTom Austen Brown Memorial Lecture
19/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELab Networking - Comment réussir sa démarche réseau ? [En Français]Lab Networking - Comment réussir sa démarche réseau ? [En Français]
19/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFACCI SA: State budget briefing with David Reynolds and EYFACCI SA: State budget briefing with David Reynolds and EY
19/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEGolden Bee Book Club NovemberGolden Bee Book Club November
19/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEReflections on the battle of VertièresReflections on the battle of Vertières
19/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELunch Poems presents Daniela Elza & Danielle LaFranceLunch Poems presents Daniela Elza & Danielle LaFrance
19/11ONLINE/EN LIGNECommission Commerce Mobile #32Commission Commerce Mobile #32
19/11CANBERRACanberra Fabulous Ladies Wine Soiree with Levrier WinesCanberra Fabulous Ladies Wine Soiree with Levrier Wines
19/11MELBOURNESummertime Champagne Tasting at Neptune Food and WineSummertime Champagne Tasting at Neptune Food and Wine
19/11PERTHAuthor Holden SheppardAuthor Holden Sheppard
20/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrench Heritage Society: Virtual Black and Red BallFrench Heritage Society: Virtual Black and Red Ball
20/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEA Levantine Architect: Alexandre Vallaury (1850-1921) - Nilay ÖzlüA Levantine Architect: Alexandre Vallaury (1850-1921) - Nilay Özlü
20/11ONLINE/EN LIGNE21st Annual Beaujolais & Beyond Festival21st Annual Beaujolais & Beyond Festival
20/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEBrittany: Region of Megaliths, rugged coastline and impressive strongholdsBrittany: Region of Megaliths, rugged coastline and impressive strongholds
20/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEComprendre les intérêts fiscaux de la holding : avantages et inconvénientsComprendre les intérêts fiscaux de la holding : avantages et inconvénients
20/11ONLINE/EN LIGNE2020 Beaujolais Nouveau release with Jean Charles Boisset2020 Beaujolais Nouveau release with Jean Charles Boisset
20/11ONLINE/EN LIGNELe S & F ShowLe S & F Show
20/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEAtelier Discussion : Années Folles à Paris avec Hélène Laroch DavisAtelier Discussion : Années Folles à Paris avec Hélène Laroch Davis
20/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEIntroduction à l'accessibilité numérique ! | #SEEPH2020Introduction à l'accessibilité numérique ! | #SEEPH2020
20/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEThe Women Who SpiedThe Women Who Spied
20/11ADELAIDEGame night - 20 NovemberGame night - 20 November
21/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEL'Arrivée du Beaujolais and French Wines for an America ThanksgivingL'Arrivée du Beaujolais and French Wines for an America Thanksgiving
21/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEAlliance Française de Frederick Cinq à SeptAlliance Française de Frederick Cinq à Sept
21/11ONLINE/EN LIGNESacred Mysteries of the Labyrinth: Zoom EventSacred Mysteries of the Labyrinth: Zoom Event
21/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEWebinar with the new Consule of France in Los AngelesWebinar with the new Consule of France in Los Angeles
21/11ONLINE/EN LIGNECity of Immortals: Père-Lachaise Cemetery, Online Book TalkCity of Immortals: Père-Lachaise Cemetery, Online Book Talk
21/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEWebinaire « Les droits à la retraite de base en France et aux Pays-Bas »Webinaire « Les droits à la retraite de base en France et aux Pays-Bas »
21/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEPortraits de famille classe / Family Portraits Comic Books WorkshopPortraits de famille classe / Family Portraits Comic Books Workshop
21/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrench Impressionism Art Tour at the National Gallery of Art Washington DCFrench Impressionism Art Tour at the National Gallery of Art Washington DC
21/11CANBERRAChampers and CharcuterieChampers and Charcuterie
21/11CANBERRAFrench Market & RaffleFrench Market & Raffle
21/11MELBOURNEChampagne + Delicacy warehouse SaleChampagne + Delicacy warehouse Sale
21/11PERTHGrain Cru Presents: A #petnatparty 2020Grain Cru Presents: A #petnatparty 2020
21/11-30/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEUIC Theatre Presents - Love's Labour's LostUIC Theatre Presents - Love's Labour's Lost
22/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEIntro to French pastryIntro to French pastry
22/11ONLINE/EN LIGNENathan Hales: Blades of freedomNathan Hales: Blades of freedom
22/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEDid you know that the Mona Lisa was once a bathroom art piece?Did you know that the Mona Lisa was once a bathroom art piece?
22/11SYDNEYLe Marché WilloughbyLe Marché Willoughby
23/11ONLINE/EN LIGNECorsica: a journey into the mountainous Mediterranean islandCorsica: a journey into the mountainous Mediterranean island
24/11EVERYWHERE/PARTOUTInternational Carménère Day/ Journée mondiale du carménèreInternational Carménère Day/ Journée mondiale du carménère
24/11ADELAIDEFrench macaron classFrench macaron class
24/11CANBERRAAustralian Women in Wine Awards Party - CanberraAustralian Women in Wine Awards Party - Canberra
24/11BRISBANEA merry Moët ChristmasA merry Moët Christmas
24/11PERTHSparkling Wines of the WorldSparkling Wines of the World
24/11SYDNEYVan Gogh : Devil or Saint? The mystic journey of an iconVan Gogh : Devil or Saint? The mystic journey of an icon
25/11ADELAIDEFACCI SA: SA Space industry panel and breakfastFACCI SA: SA Space industry panel and breakfast
25/11ONLINE/EN LIGNENovember virtual perfume masterclassNovember virtual perfume masterclass
25/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEPaper Bullets: Two Artists who Risked Their Lives to Defy the NazisPaper Bullets: Two Artists who Risked Their Lives to Defy the Nazis
26/11ONLINE/EN LIGNERichard Noel talks to us about Beekeeping in BrittanyRichard Noel talks to us about Beekeeping in Brittany
26/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEOxford Early Modern French Seminar: with Laurence GiavariniOxford Early Modern French Seminar: with Laurence Giavarini
26/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEInscription à la Conférence Régionale de l'ESS 2020Inscription à la Conférence Régionale de l'ESS 2020
26/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEAn evening with Debra Barnes discussing her debut novel The Young SurvivorsAn evening with Debra Barnes discussing her debut novel The Young Survivors
26/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEWomen at war free online lectureWomen at war free online lecture
26/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrancophone writers Feminist Writing Sorority Solidarity RealitiesFrancophone writers Feminist Writing Sorority Solidarity Realities
27/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEABC du vin : découvrir les essentiels en compagnie d’un passionnéABC du vin : découvrir les essentiels en compagnie d’un passionné
27/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEForgotten: The British African colonial soldiers of WWIIForgotten: The British African colonial soldiers of WWII
27/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEFrancophone Film ClubFrancophone Film Club
27/11ONLINE/EN LIGNETravel & Dating Paris vs Singapore | Live with SingLit AuthorsTravel & Dating Paris vs Singapore | Live with SingLit Authors
28/11ONLINE/EN LIGNENovember Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Club: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRueNovember Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Club: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
28/11ADELAIDEMovember at the AllianceMovember at the Alliance
28/11CANBERRAMums who wine x Global Champagne DayMums who wine x Global Champagne Day
28/11SUNSHINE COASTSoirée BeaujolaisSoirée Beaujolais
29/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEThe Paris Effect - A Theatrical Event and Fundraiser for Turpin CaresThe Paris Effect - A Theatrical Event and Fundraiser for Turpin Cares
29/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEWoodstock Winery: Animaux, vins et natureWoodstock Winery: Animaux, vins et nature
29/11ONLINE/EN LIGNETwo Naughty Dames of Paris – Maria Sweeney and Isabelle SojferTwo Naughty Dames of Paris – Maria Sweeney and Isabelle Sojfer
29/11LAUNCESTONLa Fête de NoëlLa Fête de Noël
30/11ONLINE/EN LIGNEVirtual French Book Club - C'est arrivé la nuitVirtual French Book Club - C'est arrivé la nuit


Si on a oublié un évènement, dites-nous par email à l’adresse matildamarseillaise (at) gmail.com ou écrivez un commentaire sur cet article.


Qu’est-ce que vous allez faire en novembre 2020?



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